about IPAMIA

Independent Performance Artists’ Moving Images Archive (IPAMIA)

Independent Performance Artists’ Moving Images Archive (IPAMIA) is a collective and its archive of digital moving image documentation of performance art. The core of the collection is made up of documentation taken and collected by well-travelled performance artists during their encounters. The collection includes works by artists from all over the world. The digital data of texts and printed materials are also archived as information of the works. The main focus is the performance art presented in and after around 1980.

IPAMIA was founded in 2016 and has held events since 2017 to introduce its achievement to the public. The aim is sustainable distribution and share of knowledge to society through both online public access to the archival data and research in the related field. IPAMIA appreciates cooperation with other archives and organizations for networking as well as future plans including the possibility of donating and transferring its collection. 

 Sakiko Yamaoka

 Seiko Kitayama
 Takahiro Ishida 


 Tatsuro Ide
 Tomoki Sakuta

more detail

<参考資料> Studio Art Hechima So On (since 2000)
Studio Art Hechima So On (English)