photo by 唐詩慧
Seiko Kitayama was born in 1982 and studied painting at Tokyo Zokei University and Musashino Art University. She managed the artist-run space and organized regional-art project at her university. She started Performance Art in 2008 and participated in festivals and residency programs in India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Mexico, America, China, Singapore, Philippines, Serbia, Czech and UK. When she performed together with audiences, she got interested in building interactive relationships and compassion between artist and audiences. To explore her interests, she started to make her performances that works with audiences in several Performance Art festivals. The theme of her work was about suppression of society and resiliency between you and me. Recently, she has ever made her performance works at her house. She has tried her performance at those spaces to think about actions in people’s lives and emotions at their homes .Also, she has ever produced her original performance events collaborated with performance artists in Japan
and other countries. In 2020, she organized the event named “At home”, which she makes performance with various artists in her house. In this COVIT-19 situation, she has tried transferring her thoughts that have been developed by doing live performances into video performance. She is a member of a group, KOUI-IZEN, in which we do durational performance event staying in various places in our country. Also the member of a group, IPAMIA ( Independent Performance Artist’s Moving Images Archive ), which makes archive and study of performance art.
title : “Calling for the shadows”
date : 26th December 2020
venue: forest in Seya-ku, Kanagawa, Japan 神奈川県瀬谷市民の森
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Life As a Butterfly”
date : 22nd September 2020
venue: Asahi-ku, Kanagawa, Japan 神奈川県旭区
project : Equinox solidarity Pilipinas SIPAF 2020
edit : Seiko Kitayama
cooperation of performance: Yohei Kina 喜納洋平
title : “In the woods”
date : 18th December 2020
venue: forest in Seya-ku, Kanagawa, Japan 神奈川県 瀬谷市民の森
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Watering In a Square”
date : 9th November 2020
venue: Roof top of apartment in Yanaka, Tokyo アパート屋上 東京都谷中
project : rooftop pafo +hot pot fun event
video camera : Megumi Shimizu 清水惠み
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Rooms”
date : 1st August 2020
venue: At my house, japan 自宅にて
project : Miami Performance International Festival ‘20 Facebook Live Streaming
collaborate with : Yohei Kina 喜納洋平
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “As rolling down the hill 転がり落ちるように”
date : 26th July 2020
venue: forest in Aihara-town Tokyo 東京都町田市相原町の山
project : Holiday performance 休日パフォーマンス
collaborate with : Megumi Shimizu 清水惠み
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Say the opposite of ……”
date : September 2018
venue: Tomioka, Fukushima, japan 福島県富岡町
project : “Responding” International Performance Art Festival and Meeting
video camera : Takumichan たくみちゃん
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “A String”
date : 10th September 2018
venue: Iwaki-Yumoto, Fukushima, Japan 福島県いわき湯本
project : “Responding” International Performance Art Festival and Meeting
video camera : Akiho Azuma 東秋帆
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “In the case”
date : 11th July 2018
venue: Nakano ZERO, Tokyo 中野ゼロ、東京
project : Tokyo Performing Arts Festival 2018 東京創造芸術祭2018
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Do the stones feel a breath? 石は息を感じるか?”
date : 4th November 2017
venue: Gallery Hanagura , Nagano, Japan ギャラリー花蔵 長野市
project : A Painting Class Exhibition 絵画教室みたいな絵画教室展
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Officially Licensed Performance”
date : July 2017
venue: Intersection Gallery , Singapore
project : Performance Resources Orchestra
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “A leaf between you and me ”
date : July 2017
venue: Zarch Collaboratives, Singapore
project : Performance Resources Orchestra
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Trip with”
date : April 2017
venue: Xiang Xishi Contemporary Art Center, Xi’an, China
相西石現代アートセンター 西安市、中国
project : GUYU Action International Performance Art Festival
谷雨行動 国際行為芸術祭
video camera : Lu Deshen 呂徳生
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “Candle Face”
date : 2016
video work
edit : Seiko Kitayama
title : “candles”
date : 2016
venue: Suigyoku-do, Gyoda-city Saitamama, Japan 翠玉堂 埼玉県行田市
project : Bakery Performance Art Event パン屋会
edit : Seiko Kitayama